Within the “Climate Resilient Agriculture – PARISE MARNEULI” project, a study tour was implemented for the 10 members of Maradisi village’s women agricultural cooperative in greenhouse farming, located in the village of Natakhtari.
With the aim of strengthening female farmers and enhancing their competitiveness in the market, the project offers women agricultural cooperatives’ an assistance program for the target group, which includes capacity development activities and financial support. Within the framework of the capacity development program, the cooperative members visited a nursery in compliance with international standards. They also learned about heating, ventilation and irrigation systems, and got acquainted with the theory and practice of seedling production and quality care.
The Climate-Resilient Agriculture – “PRAISE MARNEULI” project is implemented by CENN with the support of HEKS-EPER. The overall objective of the project is to support income generation opportunities for vulnerable populations in Marneuli Municipality through the development and promotion of environmentally friendly and climate-resilient agricultural (CRA) practices.