
EU supports the development of rural youth and their access to innovative technologies

In three municipalities of Georgia, the EU-supported Innovation Knowledge Hubs held year-round events and awarded certificates of appreciation to about 90 young people for their active involvement in Hub activities.


As part of the activities, the Hubs in each municipality – Gori, Ninotsminda and Akhmeta, together with the local partner organization and active youth members, summarized the past activities, implemented youth environmental or social campaigns and awarded the involved members with various incentive prizes.


Project representatives and local coordinators introduced the new structure of the Innovation Knowledge Hubs to the young members. This new structure turns the hubs into a platform where young people can be members of the organizing team.  As well as, participants in events, projects and campaigns related to social and green entrepreneurship and youth development activities.


Innovation Knowledge Hubs were created in 2021 as part of the project “EU4Youth: Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development (SEED) for Green Growth” as educational-developmental spaces. The launch of these Hubs is aimed at promoting youth development and employment. It is a place for youth activities aimed at developing the competencies of young people in the areas of social and green entrepreneurship.


The event is initiated within the EU-funded regional project “EU4Youth: Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development (SEED) for Green Growth”, which is implemented by CENN in partnership with KRDF in Georgia and Green Lane NGO in Armenia. The project empowers disadvantaged youth in Georgia and Armenia to successfully transition from education to work through developing their Social Entrepreneurship and Green Innovation skills.


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