
Why is water important?

Water is one of the most crucial natural resources that is limited and renewable.   71% of the earth surface is water that includes  oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, swamps and glaciers, as well as groundwater invisible to us.

Only 1% of the Earth’s water  is Potable water (most of the freshwater is concentrated in glaciers and groundwater). Water is a much more important source of energy than electricity, natural gas, oil or coal.

Water is one of the essential elements necessary for the functioning of the human body. It can only be compared to air.

Loss of 2% fluid from the body results in dehydration. Dehydration is accompanied by short-term memory loss, and problems focusing while reading small fonts among many other health problems

The functioning of all the cells and organs from which human anatomy and physiology are built depends on the right balance of water in the body, water :

*Is an effective tool for disease prevention
*Plays an important role in the process of digestion
*Regulates temperature
*Promotes metabolism

There is almost no industry in the modern world that does not need water supply. Agriculture, the pharmaceutical industry, energy, and even in the process of assembling computer chips, require water resources. Consequently, the demand for water  is quite high and it is a finite resource. In addition, many countries are experiencing serious problems with accessing water and general availability of water resources.  

Rational use of drinking water.

In the modern world, 40% of the world’s population suffers from a lack of access to drinking water. According to various studies, by 2025, 2/3 of the population of our planet will face this problem, due to the fact that the need for water resources is constantly increasing and today people consume much more water than 100, or even 20 years ago.

Climate change is exacerbating the situation. The rise in temperature in  relatively arid countries is  causing  less access to water resources.

Natural conditions are also changing, for example: the resources of the most waterlogged rivers are so widely used in habitat or industrial areas that their water levels have dropped significantly, which, in turn, threatens the water supply of cities built on their banks.

How to save water?

When we talk about saving drinking water, it is also important that we do not reduce water intake at the expense of reducing water consumption, but it should be manifested in actions such as: closing the tap when brushing teeth, reducing shower time, using dishes and washing machines only at maximum load, etc. More tips coming soon .


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