
Anatomy of a Mine - from Prospect to Production

“Anatomy of a Mine” was first prepared in looseleaf form to aid Forest Service land managers and other administrators with mineral area responsibilities. The material summarized legislation affecting mining, defined mining terms, and discussed basics of mineral exploration, development, and operation in the West. The goal then as now was to foster better understanding and communication about minerals and forest and range land surface values. The 1975 guide was written primarily by private mining consultants James H. Bright and Anthony L. Payne under direction of the Minerals and Energy Staff (now Minerals Area Management), Intermountain Region, Forest Service. It quickly became popular with land managers in many State and Federal agencies. Planners, environmentalists, and mining industry personnel sought copies.


Educators from elementary through college levels have requested copies for classroom use. In 1977, a revised publication was issued in the present format by the Intermountain Research Station, with funding and compilation provided by the Surface Environment and Mining Program. It was updated for another edition in 1983. Nearly 20,000 copies of the various editions have been distributed, and demand continues. A major use of the publication is in training land managers.


This 1995 edition was funded by the Forest Service’s Minerals and Geology Management Staff, Washington, DC. The combined efforts of Intermountain Region and Intermountain Research Station employees, and consultation with other Forest Service Regions, in reviewing and updating the material brings to the reader the most current minerals management information. We thank them all for their continued efforts to foster better understanding of basic legislation, terminology, and processes used in the mining industry.


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