
#SayNoToPlastic Social Campaign Launched by CENN with the support of USAID

From October 25, CENN with the support of USAID, launched a large-scale campaign #SayNoToPlastic to reduce plastic pollution. The campaign will involve active and motivated youth, CENN partner organizations, embassies operating in Georgia, international organizations, well-known actors and journalists and other stakeholders.

To raise public awareness of this global environmental problem, 48 conceptual posters created by Georgian designers within the Cannes Lions Georgia competition will be displayed in the Galleria Tbilisi and Tbilisi Mall shopping centers. These posters present the designers’ interpretation of the problem with polluting the environment with plastic waste and aims to influence the viewers to reduce single-use plastic in their everyday life.


#SayNoToPlastic is a social media campaign calling on the public to reduce consumption of disposable plastics and replace them with reusable environmentally friendly items. Those who want to get involved can upload a photo on their social media platforms, documenting the change in their behavior i.e. how they are switching from disposable plastic items to reusable ones under the title #SayNoToPlastic and tag the WMTR II program on Facebook.


As part of the campaign, CENN/USAID Waste Management Program will be raising awareness on environmental pollution by posting interesting facts about plastic consumption.


Cannes Lions Poster Exhibition Schedule:

25/10 – 31/10 Gallery Tbilisi, Central Entrance

1/11 – 7/11 Tbilisi Mall, 2nd and 3rd floor


How can you get involved in the campaign?

  • Take a photo of how you replace a disposable plastic item with a reusable item, upload a photo on social media under the title #SayNoToPlastic and tag the Program Page @WMTRProgram
  • Stay tuned for our social network, take part in the Q&A competition and win the CENN / USAID Gift Box with multi-use items


Facebook: @WMTRProgram


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