
CENN and Cartlis Agrosystems Signed a Memorandum of Understanding to Implement Climate-Resilient Agricultural Practices in Marneuli

On June 20, 2022, CENN and Cartlis Agrosystems signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The memorandum was signed within the Climate-Resilient Agriculture – “PRAISE MARNEULI” project, supported by HEKS-EPER.

The aim of the memorandum is to introduce and demonstrate climate-resilient agricultural practices in Marneuli Municipality. It also aims to strengthen local farmers, raise awareness and obtain expert support in the planning and implementation processes of agro activities.

Within the memorandum, the signatories will exchange all necessary information and work closely together to facilitate the effective operation of the demonstration site created under the PRAISE MARNEULI project.

The Climate-Resilient Agriculture – “PRAISE MARNEULI” project is implemented by CENN with the support of HEKS-EPER. The overall objective of the project is to support income generation opportunities for vulnerable populations in Marneuli Municipality through the development and promotion of environmentally friendly and climate-resilient agricultural (CRA) practices.


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