
EU Strengthens Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Georgia

a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between CENN, Mercy Corps and the Social Enterprise Alliance of Georgia (SEA) to strengthen the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Georgia. The cooperation is initiated as part of the EU-supported projects “EU4Youth: Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development (SEED) for Green Growth” and “EU4Yoth: Social Entrepreneurship in Armenia and Georgia (SEAG)”.

The main goal of the cooperation is to create favourable environmental conditions for the development of social entrepreneurship and green innovation in Georgia, as well as to promote the development of an innovative ecosystem at local and regional levels within the framework of social and green entrepreneurship projects or programs supported by memorandum signees.

The Memorandum of Understanding is based on the European Green Deal (EU Green Agreement), and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), particularly 4.4, which aims to increase the number of young people and adults who have technical and professional skills suitable for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship by 2030. These are the main objectives and values ​​of the EU4Youth Program, which aims to create an inclusive environment for young people, including the most vulnerable groups, by promoting entrepreneurship in the Eastern Partnership countries, an SME development strategy in Georgia and the visions and experience of Social Enterprise Alliance of Georgia (SEA) to sustainably develop the sector.

By signing the memorandum, the parties express their readiness to share knowledge accumulated in the field with stakeholders and to promote public awareness concerning social and green entrepreneurship.

The EU-funded regional project “EU4Youth: Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development (SEED) for Green Growth” is implemented by CENN in partnership with KRDF in Georgia and Green Lane NGO in Armenia. The project empowers disadvantaged youth in Georgia and Armenia to successfully transition from education to work through developing their Social Entrepreneurship and Green Innovation skills.

For further questions, please contact:

Ana Petriashvili, Communications Specialist, CENN

Tel: 599 522 127

E-mail: ana.petriashvili@cenn.org


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