On February 2, a waste separation corner opened at Tbilisi Public School #54. From now on, schoolchildren, their parents and school staff will be have a chance to bring their separated waste (paper, glass, plastic and aluminium) and dispose it in appropriate waste-bins in the separation with the purpose of its further recycling. Waste collection and transportation will be provided by Clean World Ltd., which will deliver waste to proper recycling companies.
Ketevan Chokuri, Director of Public School #54 and Nana Janashia, CENN Executive Director hosted opening of waste separation corner. Veronica Lee, Director of Economic Growth Office of USAID attended the event. A flash mob organized by school students and an exhibition of waste-related posters were conducted within the framework of the event. Poster exhibition was preceded by two-week preparatory activities during which the schoolchildren were to develop posters on the waste theme. Competition winner posters will be printed with the support of WMTR II program and will be distributed at schools in order to promote waste reduction and recycling. All participants of the competition received certificates and gifts from Veronica Lee.
The waste separation corner was opened under auspices of the ongoing Waste Management Technology in Regions, Phase II (WMTR II) with the support of USAID. The program assists the Government of Georgia in modernization of waste management sector in the country and supports sustainable and inclusive economic development. This very initiative has made it possible to dispose separate waste at already 8 locations in Tbilisi. To view the waste separation locations, please see the map: Waste separation corners.
The responsibility to separate waste is determined by the EU Association Agreement and, based on the Waste Management Code of Georgia, is to be started in all municipalities from 2019.
WMTR II program is implemented by CENN with the support of USAID.