
Is there any potential for waste recycling in Georgia?

Georgia has a substantial unexplored potential for recycling of solid waste. This sector in its turn includes several large branches of industry such as production of plastic, paper, glass and aluminum. These industries in Georgia vary a lot by the extent of their development, though too often many of their products eventually find themselves at the landfill, while recycling of the above waste makes it possible to run an efficient business contributing to the country development, replacing imported products with the local ones, sparing the primary natural resources and mitigating other adverse environmental impacts caused by waste.


PDF Version of the info-graphic – waste_eng




Waste Management Technologies in Regions (WMTR) Program is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), together with CENN – a local partner and a sub-recipient.


WMTR is assisting the Government of Georgia in designing an adequate waste management system in the regions of Adjara and Kakheti. The program objective is to support a cleaner and healthier environment, minimize adverse impacts from waste on human health and natural resources, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfills.


For additional information, please contact:


Waste Management Technologies in Regions (WMTR)
2, Orpiri str., Tbilisi, Georgia
T.: +995 32 2 43 45 22/23/24


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